Monday, January 14, 2013

Creating Projection with MicroCAM

For this project, the first thing that I did was looked at all of the commands for the Goode's Homolosine Projection and try to figure out what each one did. I then created a unique projection of my own by combining the Miller and and Mollweide projections along the equator. The steps below are the actions that I took in fusing the two projections.

- Analyzed the commands and tested them to see how I can apply them to making my own projection
- Picked 2 projections to merge, I ended up using the miller and the mollweide and joined the two at the equator; with the top half going from 0 to 80N and the bottom half going from 0 to 90S
- Typed out the initial Rem commands and title
- Typed out the commands for mapping the grid of the miller including the geoffset, map scale, and map bounds at 0 to 80N, and 180W to 180E
- Typed out the command to map features such as coastlines, islands, and lakes
- Moved to mapping out the bottom half of the map
- Set geoffset, mapbound, and mapscale for the bottom half portion of the map by using the mollweide projection
- Mapped out the top half of the mollweide at the equator ranging from 0 to 40S, and 100W to 20W
- Map out the bottom half of the mollweide ranging from 40S to 90S, and 100W to 20W
- Move over to map the next portion of the map at the equator
- Mapped out the top half of the mollweide at the equator ranging from 0 to 40S, and 20W to 80E
- Mapped out the bottom half of the mollweide at the equator ranging from 40S to 90S, and 20W to 80E
- Move over to map the next portion of the map at the equator
- Mapped out the top half of the mollweide at the equator ranging from 0 to 40S, and 80W to 180E
- Mapped out the bottom half of the mollweide at the equator ranging from 40S to 90S, and 80W to 180E

- After the projection was completed I imported it into Inkscape for edit. I, added colors to the continents and water bodies while leaving the ice caps white.

- I then imported the projection into ArcMap and added a title, neatline, scalebar, and north arrow. Below is a depiction of the final result.

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